Realtor.com and USA Today list as the second hottest real estate market in the country It is 2020, and we have by Andrew Bowsher Director of Development City of Reynoldsburg seen changes come and changes stay. The world is a little more “flat” than it used to be, and the global economy has seen a downward trend with COVID-19 still looming over the United States. In Reynoldsburg, we have seen jobs disappear, schools disabled from physical interaction, and the introduction of Zoom to corporate relationships. With all of the bad news lingering in our local and national perspectives, it is sometimes hard to focus on the truly good things happening. Yet, there is a lot happening. Even aspiring accolades to highlight. In 2020, Realtor.com, and USA Today listed the City of Reynoldsburg as the second hottest real estate market in the country. These statistics were based off of the current real property market, how fast the homes go from market to contract, and finally their overall affordability. This is nothing to glaze over, as it is a driving factor of Reynoldsburg’s growth, and upward prosperity. Even during a pandemic, Central Ohio continued to have an under supplied housing stock. This housing stock creates a hardship for those looking to obtain Reynoldsburg Magazine • Fall, 2020 homeownership. Central Ohio and Reynoldsburg have seen housing prices increase due to the lack of available homes. These homes, as they have in the past, serve as one of the greatest ways to amass wealth throughout your life. By building more homes, we can stabilize the supply and demand keeping Reynoldsburg fairly affordable, while allowing young families a great place to call home. Reynoldsburg is seeing a boom, and as we look towards revitalized shopping centers, due to increased code enforcement or redevelopment we are also seeing applications for new housing. This is coming in the form of owner-occupied, and rental. As the City looks to attract businesses, large and small, these employers and their employees, will look to co-locate. Without this new housing, the City loses out on new opportunities. Fortunately, when Central Ohio succeeds, so does Reynoldsburg. As of right now, Reynoldsburg is quickly making its presence known and other local municipalities are taking stock, looking at ways to implement some of the same strategies and policies, which we have started to prosper with. One of these strategies has been our new zoning code which allows for a greater, reinvented look to the built environment. It has been called by the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) the gateway code for all progressive and forwardthinking municipalities. Jobs Ohio and One Columbus have sung Reynoldsburg praises for taking the challenge head on. Reynoldsburg has positioned itself to strive for better, where in a past era we were happy to just fill empty spaces. All this being said, we are not without our challenges. Reynoldsburg needs a lot of TLC and nothing comes free or cheap in this world. Where some residents urge for new roads, better infrastructure, increased pedestrian offerings and park improvements, other residents are searching for jobs, and equitable housing options. It’s truly a balancing act which never factors out exactly how you want it. Let’s agree - Central Ohio is growing faster than it has in over 50 years, and with that comes strategic planning. I know first-hand we don’t Wright Patt Credit Union building across from the Main Street Kroger, is about to open this Fall. take this lightly, but I encourage all residents to reach out and voice their concerns; both good and bad. For when we come together collectively in an organized and cooperative fashion we all can learn and gain something in the process. Some of the highlights on the horizon for the Burg can be found on the Reynoldsburg Story Maps page @ https:// ci.reynoldsburg.oh.us/ NewsDetail/story-mapprojects Update: Andrew Bowser reports the development of a few more businesses: Urban Cheapskate (boutique clothing) on Taylor Road just opened. Chick-Fil-A starts early 2021. 1883 Locale. It’s above Vick’s on Main Street opening soon. Swenson is under construction next to United Dairy Farmers on Main Street. Burger King has moved from Brice Road to Rt. 257 and is now open. 21 Reynoldsburg

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