›Your Impact ONE HEALTH COMPLEX CARE PROGRAM $579,693 RAISED/$883,741 AWARDED TO SUPPORT ONE HEALTH OPERATIONS ONE Health helps patients access medical care and address social determinants of health like housing, transportation, food, and more. Providing consistent care and holistic support helps patients avoid emergency department visits and hospitalization. This program is fully supported by donors and we would not be able to serve our community in this way without your support. 945 PATIE N T S PARTICIPATE D 521 M O VE D FORM CRISIS T O SE LF - SUFFICIE NCY 56% CONNE C TE D WI TH INSURANCE BE NE FI T S 100% RE CEIVE PRE SCRIPTIONS FROM RE GION AL O NE H E ALTH PHARM A CY 26 Gratitude Repor t 2023

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