Year of Rebirth – A Vision of the Future World ANIRUDDHA BOSE Kolkata, India. With the globe swamped by a pandemic we are left with two options – live daily in fear, oblivious of the providence or delve deep into self-audit. Why this debacle? What went wrong for this microscopic Corona virus to cruelly shake the world. Change is a dynamic process occurring continually. But major ones come at certain periods with a specific purpose in the global ensemble. Before we dig into its merits and demerits, time to look at its past, evaluate the present and envisage the future. Though a mythology, the fable of Noah is depicted in most of the primeval literature. In Abrahamic religions, in the Book of Genesis (Chapter 5 to 9) in Hebrew Bible, Noah was depicted as the 10th and the last of the pre-flood patriarchs. According to the Genesis account, he toiled loyally to build an Ark at God's command, finally saving not only his own family, but mankind too. In addition to the Book of Genesis, Noah is cited in the Hebrew Bible, in the First Book of Chronicles and those of Tobit, Wisdom, Sirach, Isaiah, Ezekiel, 2 Esdras, 4 Maccabees. In the New Testament, in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, the Epistle to the Hebrews, 1st Peter and 2nd Peter. Noah was extensively elaborated in the Quran (Surahs 71, 7, 1, and 21) which contains forty-three references of him or Nuḥ. Sūrah Nūḥ, especially the story of the Deluge is named after him. His life is exposit in Islamic annotations and folklores. In Islam he is described as the ‘True Messenger of God’ (XXVI: 107) and ‘Grateful Servant of God’ (XVII: 3). Though the origin might’ve been during the reigns of the archaic kings (65,000 BC to 18,600 BC) there isn’t any conclusive evidence. It was first described in the earliest Sumerian Gilgamesh poems as early as the Third dynasty of Ur (2100– 2000 BC) and the restitution of order by the First Dynasty of Isin. Later it was compiled in the Epic of Gilgamesh (2700 BC) as the Utnapishtim. The Mesopotamian Gods were infuriated by human noise from the earth. To quell them they decided to send a great flood. Noah is also described in Ancient Greek Upahaar 2020

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