Cupboard full of clothes wanting to breathe free BUT no occasions to wear Screen time is harmful BUT virtual is the only meeting place Festivals are around the corner BUT celebration is not in the air The catch-up lines are many BUT one line is consistent -new normal The culprit is around BUT it is nowhere to be seen History is rewriting the BC and AC stories Time of irony, my friend. Life has never been in such mess. Everything is there but everything seems to be missing. Let’s hold on to our HOPE, show empathy, stay safe and think positive When I Am Gone… Poulamee Ghosh When I am gone, remember me but only when your heart calls for me. When I am gone, do what you love the most when you miss me. When I am gone, but that pic which you used to say, ”you are too funny mamma”. When I am gone, please do not put any incense sticks near my pic, I will surely start sneezing. When I am gone, please share some jokes with me other than crying. When I am gone, give me phuchka and fish curry sometimes, please. When I am gone, do total dhamaal in Durga Puja just the way we used to do. When I am gone, give me Rajanigandha flowers at times. When I am gone, please play the piano sometimes. Baba and I loved those Upahaar 2020 20

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