Memories Manidipa Sen Jamshedpur , India Nothing now remains but memories Like old friends they crowd around A kaleidoscope of images Steeped in colour light and sound The sunshine years of childhood Of misty mornings lazy noons Of fairy tales at Grandma's bedside Ghostly shadows and new moons Of climbing trees and sailing boats Of stealing pickles from mom's jar Of celebrating dolly's birthday Beneath the mango tree afar The wild wild years of youthful folly Of love's first crazy wild outburst Of heartache and of foolish fancies Lasting friendships bonds of trust Of holidays and picnicking Of fun times spent with family Of weddings, anniversaries And birthdays...all so lovely Memories are faithful friends Fond and bittersweet they are To sit in solitude and think They bring such joy hour after hour April, 2019 Upahaar 2020 17

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