green apron to know that I even remembered to bring my own Fresh Market Save the Dying Planet If You Really Care custom shopping bags ($1.99 per bag, $2.99 for two, so guess how many I bought, honey!). “Excuse me, but aren’t you Rohan’s dad?” A timid, silky voice slithered out unexpectedly from this lovely girl’s mask. I didn’t see if her jaws moved, but it had to be her talking. “Yes,” I replied diffidently. Of course, nowadays it’s not Mr. or Dr. or Mrs. It’s Rohan’s dad. Like his name is on the mortgage. Yeah, sure. I should introduce myself to my patients as “Rohan’s dad”, just like I did to his basketball coaches when I humbly asked if he could have more playing time. Not even worth capitalizing “dad”. Any dad would do. Even when the fake American accent truncated Anglo-Saxon name bearing customer service representative from Chennai Call Center #519 pretends not to know how to spell “Kaushik” and asks me to repeat my name again, I should just say, “You know, Rohan’s dad.” Okay, then let the new alpha-male of the household cook the fish! “I’m in his science class. I heard he’s going to Penn. Congratulations.” Her jaws moved for sure this time. Legitimacy finally was established by these kind words. Time to exhale and then follow with a feeble chuckle of pride. The storm finally abated. We one day can look up and speak to strangers uncovered. We can praise those who merely try to achieve forbearance. And all that salmon did pay off. Once a week from The Fresh Market. And they can cut it for you if you ask nicely. My wife was always right - never mix drinks with brain food. And never grind your teeth while you’re sleeping. They mistakenly may think you’re angry when you’re just dreaming. Last call. “Don’t forget this,” the girl said, delicately pointing to the most precious item on the entire grocery list. At least it started off that way. I finally snapped out of my brief blissful reverie and picked up the cardboard carton, carrying it separately from my two for $2.99 custom floral design Fresh Market bags. The beer outweighed the fish and was more conspicuous. The bottles’ clinking was a little too loud. My shoulders stiffened. I looked back at the girl apologetically, but left The Fresh Market with the most confident long distance smile that can waft through any mask. I retreated, maintaining a well-earned distinguished stride. I looked back for the last time and noticed the girl still was focused curiously on the Upahaar 2020

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