started revolting. She had disputes and arguments with Salil for minor reasons. She suggested that they should “put Kanan in a hostel for retarded children. It meant spending a few thousands rupees, that’s all” But Salil opposed it tooth and nail. “one should not shirk from one’s responsibilities” said he. After a bitter argument, one day she said “You stay with your daughter if you must. I am going away. I have my own life to live” Salil did not stop her. She rented a house at the other end of the city and began enjoying her life and job with a sense of freedom. Salil arranged a full time nurse to look after Kanan. However, several months and years later, Salil was feeling lonely in his own home. Whom would he ask for a cup of tea after a hectic day at the office? And Kanan’s problems were increasing by the day. Gradually, Salil was besieged by depression and tension. He turned to various vices to overcome them. However, alcohol and other vices offer only a temporary relief. Salil was finding it hard to look after Kanan now. As a last resort he considered putting her in a hostel for retarded children. He talked with the warden and requested that he be allowed to see her every Sunday. Salil was now absolutely alone. On the other hand, Suchitra was busy in her various programmes. But she was harassed by a feeling of guilt and lack of peace. It was on one such evening that a colleague of hers, in her office suggested to her “You go to Swami Purnananda’s Centre for yoga and meditation”. She started going to the Centre often and thus came to know him from close quarters. One day she told him her mind’s turbulence, how she remembered her dear Kanan etc. The Swamiji told her “If you miss her so badly, why don’t you go to see her one day?” She rang Salil that same day. Without a preamble, she asked “I miss Kanan very much. When can I come to see her?” Salil, wonderstruck, said “oh I have put her in the hostel which you had mentioned. I will talk with the warden. He will let you talk with her.” Suchitra cried a lot on meeting Kanan. She told it all ad verbatim to the Swamiji. He replied “You wanted to admit her into a hostel years ago. Now that she is there you are so unhappy. And Salil who then wanted to never separate from her has been compelled to admit her there. I don’t see anybody’s fault in this. I see it merely as coincidences. You go to Salil, talk with him and take her to your home.” Upahaar 2020

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