nomenclature, an imminent change is on the cards. The Biblical myth of a Damien might be the saviour of 21st Century. As the world prepares for a new Damien, we notice the 666 has already subtly morphed to its new form WWW. With the net boom its practical application in pandemic has increased. In a way, it’s subtly compelling people to go digital. In all possibility, that would take over the reins with the restrictions of human contact. Economic scenario would also see a shift from past energy sources to a fresh crop of new ones, resultant financial crunch the prime cause. With the shift of global geo-economics, the political scenario is likely to change. Amid the failed isms, a new ism could emerge carving the path of a new era. Political monopoly in the form of man-made bodies as the United Nations might fall apart or be baptized in a new mantra, both in structure and form, to one of true service to mankind. The old cultural milieu could well dissolve bringing forth new ideas, more productive than its predecessor. A shift to a digital form away from its physical nature most likely. The scientific arena could see new innovations catering to the rebirth. Politicised religion, responsible for numerous deaths over centuries could witness its demise with the birth of a new Messiah chanting the mantra of humanity, so far in oblivion. Humanism could take over from the varied forms, history witnessed so far. With the time in quarantine, people now have enough opportunity to dig inwards, to purify their soul from extraneous vices. It would trigger the inner energy on the concept of Soham, a putative mantra which means ‘I am He’ or fusion of individual with the Mass Universal Energy, a step towards ascension to the Saturnine path of salvation or energy fusion accepting its transmuted form. It hails a rise of the phoenix from the ashes of the present. There isn’t an easier way of learning for resurgence. It’s a rigid, tedious way to perfection. Only with self-audit, self-actualisation and rectification of past errors, a New World could emerge from reverie to reality, even it involves a colossal sacrifice. Upahaar 2020

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