II d is * - r s n e e i Ich Spreche Auf Deutsch! After 5 long years of waiting, this s senior German class visited Germany for 2 weeks. In Germany, Mcanchen. tional Student Experience), through whom they took their trip. j spent 6 days with their German geography, The packets cover the topics of customs, the German monetary and 8 days touring such cities system, and family stay. Using the Heidelberg, Rothenburg and books Basic Conversational German z prepare for the trip they spent they also worked on conversation. hours, in and out of class, studyand Berlitz for German Travelers, The sophomores spent the first mar books, which they started in ninth their Berlitz books, learning semester finishing their German gram•ocabulary words and typical converphrases. They also wrote letTO their German families, grade. The second semester they started conversation using the book, ported on the German cities they Basic Conversational German. Below: Frau Canney Above Left: Ricki Hayes, Julie Zach, Julie Boland, Webb Wassmer, and Kelly Blackwell discuss their German plans with Herr Schreiber. Left: The Bavarian driver that took the students by horse and carriage to the Neuschwanstein Castle. Above: Mark Stanely asks Scott Terpkosh, “ Do you understand this stuff?’’ German 19

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