What’s Cookin’? There are new faces in the HomeEc Department this year. Keefer, one new face, said, Trudi “ The students are friendly and cooperative for the most part.” Mrs. Keefer teaches housing, where the students learn about renting a house and what to look for when buying one, as well as decorating techniques. Foods is another area Mrs. Keefer finds enjoyable. for students. This class is a favorite They learn how to prepare food as well as purchase it, and how to prepare it. “ I had a higher expectancy of the work the students were able to do,” responded Keefer when asked if she had e x p e r i e n c e d a n y disappointments. Linda Sadler, who was working at the Junior High last year in the Home Ec Department, left to have a baby as did Patti Miles this year. Sadler returned to teach Independent Living and Foods classes for Miles first semester. Independent Living is a course where students learn how to live on their own, do laundry, and the basics of preparing a meal. This course is an overall teaching of Home-Ec, it covers just about every aspect of it. Patti Miles will be teaching classes of Child Development when she returns, where you learn the process of a child growing up in different kinds of environments. This year will be fun for Miles, Sadler, and Keefer. They will all see how students enjoy the Home Ec classes they have chosen. h Sam Wilson and Marlon Blaha look in a way that says “ I’m not sure about this, how about you?’’ Trudi Keefer 16 — Home Ec Colleen Vavroch, Marie Schmitz, and Joyce Snyder hesitate to dig in as Nancy Gilbert and ,v Sec/r-e/ go for it. Ke
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