Everyone may know what happens at . A All Kinds of Entertainment Available at Prairie ble. the Music Parents’ Variety Show, but what you may not know is who does the planning work to make it a success success is just what it was to many people who attended. Most thought the show was funny and that the entertainment appealed to all. Betty Scheetz and Karen Dennis were in charge of the carnival, and Mary Hynek and Phyl Britcher were responsible for the Little Theatre show,along with many other people who donated their 0* - time and help. The show this year was called “Kiddie Kapers” and was about two twin sisters who were two years old and what things happened to them and their friends. Mr. Price felt some of the high points were returning alumni,Kevin Villers, who sang the “ Kite Song” from “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown", Keith Elias playing his saxophone, and the dancing babies (Mary and friends). The King and Queen were from the Intermediate building, and were Angie Bowersox and Jason HumThe money raised this year by the Music Parents will go toward new banc uniforms. The Choir Club Variety Show was he1 : after the Pig Roast and was sponsorec by the high school choir club. Students write and produce the show, for which they have students from Kindergarter through high school audition. Approxi mately 250 attended the show, and were entertained by a great variety of music and comedy acts. Far Above Loft: Tom Cowell and Greg Riggs check shows in trying to hit the target at the carnival, out the action at the variety show. Far Above Right: Above: Darren Bogner, Dan Dennis, Matthew Clothier, Kurt Tjelmeland and John Serbousek sing at Spectators watch with the same effort John Volk 113 Entertainment the show held in the Little Theatre during the var ety show .
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