Far Below: Jeff Spyr, Gerald Eichhorn, Jim Zalesky, Joe Nekvinda, Scott Stark, Danny Gray, Shauna Holthaus, Debbie Kessler, and Luis Butts look on as Mike Cleppe takes a shot at the loser of spud. Below: Scott Appleget runs from the ball (in spud) which is being caught by Rick Murphey as teacher Gary Leeper supervises. Requirements Can Be Fun In driver education classes students see films, talk about laws, rules, and fundamentals of driving. They start out driving by going around the campus. interstate, and city They then practice their right and left turns, merging, lane changes, parking, and finally move on to highway, driving. So many kids are needing Drivers Education that in the summer there are now five teachers to help so as many kids can take Drivers Ed. as possible. In physical education, new activities included handball, crab soccer, and deck tennis. The favorites were dodge ball and handball. A student teacher was here helping Lin Hixenbaugh. Her name is Kim Graber and she was here for the second nine week period. An optional physical education program is offered to seniors only. It is a student-teacher agreement, or contract, that binds the student to specific responsibilities to receive credit by participating in out- of - school activities. Going bowling and jogging are favorites for the seniors. There is also archery, swimming, trap shooting, tennis, taking a CPR course, and many other activities. 82 Physical Education

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