k,ii % W W Left: Tammy Scheib types an article for the paper. Below: Hawk Talk — Front Row: Tom Hofer, Smith, Carles Martin. 2nd Row: loan Ely, Art Hartin, Tracie Penrod, Doug Exline, Sponsor Bonnie Benesh, Mike Gillette, Chris Bell, Linda Holland, Charles Reid. Back Row: Scott Grabe, Ed Lamparek, David Schultz, Rolf Bohman, Tammy Jeff Hare,Kevin Vondracek, Linette Grisham, Ron Scheib, Paula Hernandez, Jeff Sadecky, Tony Hartin, Mike Terpkosh, Kevin Lamparek, Douglas Eide, Rhonda Chesley, Dan Gray, Darrin Grier. Left: Kevin Vondracek checks a layout for Hawk Talk. Above: Shirlee Hamden okays some ideas for the newspaper with Ms. Benesh. Hawk Talk 69
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