1 i Rrr i/ \ t - W*Ss - I 4 • - i > - ' \ i rlK1 Ni ** I > - % V * I > V M* . V ^ ' • 11 ' N * \ *> \ Sophomores began their year at Prairie with a new experience. It was the High School lock -in. It really helped introduce them to the school. It was an overnight lock-in at the school. The lock-in lasted from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. They played volleyball, had class races and dances. This was the first year it was tried and was quite a success. Also this year Sophomores learned to avoid the old joke from upperclassmen "Pardon me, but can you tell me where the elevator is?" Cindy Suchomel, Cathy Kyle, and Kelly Vondracek at Home Ec Thanksgiving Dinner. y \ ** / • LV fi r A wrm tics I . Everett Eschen Jeff Evans Doug Exline Connie Feldmann Alicia Franks Chris Fults Kim Douglas Ron Downs Susan Dryden Shelley Dubishar Douglas Eide Peter Elliff r I §r 7*r i Anita Damone Beth Danielson Barry Davis Dan Dennis Jerry Dennis Mark Ditch * f f - i Brad Clark Connie Clark Donnie Clark Mike Cleppe Jeff Cron Janet Cuhel 5 !
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