Below: Seniors Laura Lee Banes, Matt Schmitt and Mark Calkins pull for their team. Right: Nancey Croy and Darrel Bogner enjoy the afternoon sun. Below right: Calvin Lee Brown and Lisa Lins prepare for the threelegged race. Student council brought the seniors' years at Prairie to a rousing finish by organizing a pig roast for students, faculty, staff and parents. The afternoon started out in a mellow mood, with people slowly drifting in, chatting and enjoying weather that felt like summer. The pace picked up as volleyball, frisbee throwing and races were organized. The high point of the day was definitely the meal. With entertainment by Prairie's own Astro Bodies rock band, the guests were treated to delicious roast pork sandwiches, lemonade and a vast array of other dishes contributed by all who attended. After supper the more sedate ones in the crowd sat and digested, while the more daring participated in a water balloon fight and tug of war. First Annual Prairie Pig Roast a Huge Success Below: Mr.
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