Best Record Ever for Boys Tennis Team Right- Lynn Schrader demonstrates good net play. Below-Jeff Johnson shows his finesse. The seven wins and seven losses this year's team had made it the best season ever for Prairie's team, according to Coach Bogner. The wins included three good meets with Iowa City West, Cedar Rapids Washington, and LinnMar. This was the first time that Prairie ever beat Iowa City West or Cedar Rapids Wahington. Coach Bogner said the highlight of the season was that two of the doubles teams, consisting of Chris White and Andy Buresh, and Jeff Johnson and Lynn Schrader, advanced to the semifinals of the district tournament. Since all lettermen are returning next year, there are high hopes for an even better season. Front Row-Kevin Vondracek, Jeff Johnson, Chris White, Andy Buresh, Coach Darrel Bogner. Back Row-Dave Buresh, Rolf Bohman, Lynn Schrader, Roland Halva. Al R«mc

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