Wrestling 1969-70 COACHES Bob Melgren, Dale Stems, John Osi and MANAOEPS JOeGrissel, Mark Stewart My last year as a member of the fj [ , ' > - / 0 wrestling squad at Prairie High School was a very regarding year. . We liad an undefeated double hA ” , record and Were beaten only by triple "A" schools.We vrestled some of tire best boys Jn the state and it helped to win the fceotiona] and District Championships, Desire has healed me win the Sectional and District Championship* Wrestling Ls mainty desire t>ut ubillty Is second most important . J have had the desire and LI helped. If you don’ t have the desira a hoy can not become successful as w wrestler. We had to set our goals at the beginning of tbo season* wrestling never became a bore withDubi, Angie, Cookie Man Eon, Crip Wes, Red Scofield, Wild Bi.lL, HLbby Roy, and Papa Joe. These are some of the best competitors and the hardest working boys . keiJt us goin The wrestling room got mighty hot but Ift&i is ^ to strive for the Sectional and District . Any one of ihase boys could hav^ thrown in the towel when wo were down but they didn’ t. They have guts and brought Prairie to a Success --vliat Championships, in all the boys' minds the thought must have risen that wc were being coached by the best . We Seniors have not reached the top and 1 hope that Coach Melgren ami Osi and get their State Championship team Dennis Hromidko . 2nd. £agle drove 1st Linn Mar 1st Conference 1st Sectional 1st Dlstrict Tied for 4 Lh State 1 he schedule this year was the toughest Prairla has ever faced in competition Orinnell Williamsburg Mr, Vernon Manuoketa Vinton Benton Community Bast Waterloo MartOu Washington, ChK. Jefferson, C.It , Anamosa Kennedy, C.R, WOW — 5 VARSITY RECORD 10 a a 12 a e 20 in 31 H 21 Prai rie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prai rie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Pruirie Prairie LOST — 4 37 33 29 37 40 S3 IS 37 s IS 44 12 Ga

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