The '69 footbal l season has been the grea t es t season Pra i r i e has ever had. I t had coopera t ive young men wi th pl enty of spi r i t and they had pr ide in themse lves. The things that make a squad l ike thi s one run we l l i s ma inly the coaches . Coach Le idigh and Coach beeper are the twTo fines t coaches in the s tate * They worked the squad hard and in return they rece ived a Conference Championship, The squad was ra t ed as high as s ixth in the s tate* which I feel i s qui t e an accompl i sh ment for a school s i ze such as ours . The men on our squad hate to lose. They hi t hard and were rugged. They worked for what they got . Wes Cervenv -

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