MRS, JOAN BENESH ME. DARREL BOGNEE North park c;ollege B.A. in history English Western Illinois University B.A, in industrial arts Northeast Missouri State M.A* in industrial arts industrial Arts MR* LAVERNF BRUNS MR. ANDREW RtTBON University of Northern Iowa R , - L * in physical education M.A. in administration Math Central College in physical education Northeast Missouri! State M*A » m physical education Social Studies MR. CHARLES CAMPBELL MRS. GLORIA CANNEY University of Iowa B* A. in history M.A. in history Social Studies University of Iowa B,AT in English and St^ech German MRS. ANN COEBIN MR . KEN FEARING Lutheran DC&ooness Hospital RiN, School Nurse Mornlngslde College B.A . in math University of South Dakota M A, in :Tint] i Math _ 6

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