National News— 1965 1 A Wave for Friends — Cuban refugees waved to Cuban exiles on shore as their coast guard cutter approached Key West last fall. Such emotional scenes occurred frequently after Castro announced his “ open door” policy, allowing certain groups of Cubans to leave his dictatorship. 2 Pioneer in Space — Astronaut Edward White stepped from his Gemini IV space capsule and into the void of space last June. Maj. James McDivitt, his companion on a 3'/2 flight in Gemini V during August. 3 Medicare Bill Signed -day orbital flight , had to coax White back into the capsule after he had traveled 20 minutes suspended from Gemini IV. Gordon Cooper and Charles Conrad were the next space twins to orbit the earth. They completed their 8 -day — President Johnson signed the Medicare Bill into law July 30 with former President Truman at his side. Witnessing the event that had far-reaching effects on Social Security benefits for the elderly were (left to right ) Lady Bird Johnson, Vice President Humphrey and Bess Truman. The ceremony was held in Truman Library in Independence, Mo. 4 Temporary Mood — Dodgers Manager Walter Alston’s mood of dejection after the Minnesota Twins won the sixth World Series game did not last long. The Dodgers emerged victorious in the 7th game and captured the pennant. 5 Double Space Spectacular — Astronauts Wally Schirra and Tom Stafford got this view of the Gemini 7 spaceship December 15 while traveling in their Gemini 6 craft for their historic rendezvous adventure. Schirra and Stafford rode their red -hot craft back to earth the following day, but Gemini 7 completed a 14-day mission before its re-entry. Making the longest and most significant voyage in space in Gemini 7 were Frank Borman and James Lovell, Jr. 6 Plea for Peace — Pope Paul VI stood before the United Nations General Assembly in New York on October 4 to deliver his plea for 6

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