Sandy Koufax won two as the Los Angeles Dodgers beat the Yanke four straight for the world championship. At year’s end, Koufax w named the league’s Most Valuable Player. Right:James Whittaker Redmond, Washington, became the first American to reach the top ofM Everest. In Los Angeles, Baldwin Hill Reservoir cracked, then broke releasing a torrent which wrecked hundreds ofevacuated homes, but produced few casualties. National Even Quints were born in Aberdeen, S. D., and in Venezuela in the same week. Here two of the American quints pose for pictures before going home. Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas took office immediately follow - ing President Kennedy’s death and affirmed his intention of continuing the foreign and domestic policies of his predecessor. Leaking gas exploded during the finale of an ice show in Indianapolis, killing and injuring many others. Ransomed for $240,000, Frank Sinatra,Jr. returned home safely two days after being kidnaped and posed with his sister Tina, left, and his mother, Mrs. Nancy Sinatra.
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