F T FIRST ROW: Delores Martin, Penny Tucker , Sue Trpkosh, Margo Sladek, Mrs . Canney, Advisor. SECOND ROW: Sheryl Pooler , Mary Jo Brickner , Mary Madden, Gwen Gould. THIRD ROW: Sandra Kowpsell, Carol Lafler , Connie Morningstar, Ciane Cerveny, Carol Raim. (fl^O I LIBRARY CLUB FIRST ROW: Jeanne Trachta, Sandra Tomash, Pat Malloy, Shyrl Evans. SECOND ROW: Joyce Schropp, Mary Jo Brickner, Roxe Talkington, Joan Chrisman, Aileen Smith. This picture shows two of our students making diligent use of the Library facilities. uTTm
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