How can an automobile brand stay relevant in such a service market? EICHHORN If the Volkswagen Group operates its own ride services then the quality of our vehicles is a decisive factor – design, engineering, ride comfort. As is service, in every respect: availability, cleanliness, billing system, assistance systems. And another factor will be: how well does autonomous driving function? In short, as the Volkswagen Group, we will then be judged by far more performance criteria than we are today. So far Volkswagen has had a strong bias on engineering. Does the Group need to be more IT-driven? KAGERMANN I think that is a challenge for the entire automotive sector. Agile working and “disruptive-creative innovation cycles” have been common practice in the software industry for a long time. In other words, the entire system is challenged every few months; you need to adjust your leadership structures and retrain your developers in new methods. In addition, software firms have always had a strong focus on innovation partnerships. The auto industry can learn quite a lot in these areas. Driverless driving: For Henning Kagermann, one benefit will be improving everyday life for the elderly, the blind, and people with disabilities. will play a central role in the future. They are the thing that will radically change the market. Platform operators may possibly become the strongest competitors for car makers. For me, one big advantage for the manufacturers is autonomous driving. When it comes to self- driving, customers are more likely to trust Volkswagen than start-ups. EICHHORN Over the next few years, three technological innovations – e-mobility, connectivity and autonomous driving – will merge with two social trends: urbanization and sustainability. That brings our customers a totally new experience on three levels: mobility as a service in an autonomous electric car. We tested that with Sedric back in 2016, and demonstrated how well it works. At the moment, we are conducting intensive research into the easiest way for customers to book cars like Sedric and integrate them in their everyday mobility. 10 So for car manufacturers, that means much closer cooperation among Research, Design and IT in the future? EICHHORN The Group strategy is called “TOGETHER 2025” and not “TOGETHER 2020” for a reason. We can’t switch to new mindsets and ways of working overnight. Even so, there is already much closer R&D cooperation among the brands today than there was a few years ago. And we introduced a new function in 2017 with the heads of the series groups who are responsible for all aspects of the vehicles in one series, as well as moving forward with integrated work processes. At what levels do you see the Volkswagen Group well equipped for the electric era? EICHHORN We have a high-quality, broad-based, global portfolio. On top of that, we have developed a previously unknown drive for reform in recent years. The diesel crisis was a wake-up call for the future viability of the Group. It was serious and shocking, but the call came at the right time. Three years ago, we certainly would not have been showcasing a vehicle like Sedric at a motor show, or setting up MOIA, or forging cooperations with start-ups like Aurora. Today, the thirst for
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