Tairine is a student in the Intermediate High ESL class in the evening HOW TO TEACH A CAR TO SWIM My friends and I planned a fun day camping, but not everything was fun. One Friday, later on the job, we threw the full cooler and the camphouses into my Jeep for later jumping into the adventure. After a road full of laughter and talks, we arrived at the camping area. It was a darker night, but the light of the bonfires helped. There were a lot of people in the area, music, motorcycles and tons of bbqs. You could smell different types of food. We stopped with some friends for a while. When all turned more silent and you could hear the river from afar, we decided to go to our camp place to cook the dinner and arm the camp. For that, the fastest way was to pass over the river. So, trusting in all my skills, thanks to the alcohol, I say - “It’s a Jeep. You can do everything in a Jeep.”…Almost. We passed over the river. We jumped over a rock and the Jeep fell on the rock. It just started to rain. At the beginning, the water was in the middle of the tire. We spent a pair of hours trying everything: pulling the Jeep, jumping on the Jeep, putting some rock on the tires, making a lot of maneuvers to escape from there, but the water was up. Now, it was almost to the doors, So, I was stressed and scared, but later...the water started to move the Jeep a little!!! And like a miracle, a group of 4x4 cars passed next to us and they see us. A pair of them pulled us, and finally all was over. At the end of the night, we arrived in our area, made a delicious dinner and we had a good time. I learned that not all decisions made with alcohol are good, but with friends all is better…not for my car. Gonzalo is a student in the Advanced ESL class in the evening

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