Guo yuan is a student in the Intermediate Senior ESL class Have you told a lie with your family before? Have you ever told anyone the truth of the lie? My sister watched the movie with her boyfriend, but told my mother she needed to do school’s work with a classmate in the library. My brother bought a new smartphone for my father, but told him the wrong price. I also had experience being a cheat. I cheated my parents by saying that school supported us to go to Thailand to perform our project. It was a lie, but it was also a gift for my twenty year old birthday gift to myself. To achieve this plan, I needed to pursue my parents, earn enough money for the trip, and book all the tickets. First, I decided the topic and the place of the professional form. Of course, I used the key words “what’s the first choice to go to Thailand” and “the best route to relax in Thailand”. After I chose the place, and confirmed the schedule to fly, I copied the Thailand college’s website introduction and school building picture to create the activity information post. I also connected with my classmate to show how excited and hopeful I was to join the activity on the social media application. And then I printed the post and showed my account to my parents. My parents promised to accept the proposal. After I finished the first step, I needed to earn enough money to push my plan. To address this problem I chose to teach high school students to earn money. Unfortunately, the salary was not enough to support my trip. I needed to seek a second job, and keep my parents and their friends unknowing about it. I chose the second job which was at a neighboring site to be a shop clerk. As the time passed, I had enough money to go to Thailand. If I didn’t book the plane, it’s only a joke for myself. I applied for the passport, bought the airplane ticket and submitted the visa application. Not only did I spend money to buy tickets, but also connected the hotelier to check my order. Before I arrived in Thailand, I needed to ensure everything was on schedule. I didn’t forget to figure out the native culture, before I bought these tickets. Respect of all different cultures is more important than how much I spent. I had to prepare sufficiently to support myself to pass a wonderful trip. It was a good experience for myself. If you ask me, “Have you ever regarded it?”, I would say “Yes “. If I have one more chance to revise the problem, I would tell my parents the truth and invite them to go on the trip with me. Hana is a student in the Advanced ESL class in the evening

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