Hyogyeong is a student in the Intermediate High/Advanced ESL class in the afternoon Why can many people not afford housing? How can the state help to solve this problem? All over the world there are too many homeless people. They start with good education, work and they try to build their life. In a moment, everything crashes. So, they become unsuccessful, poor people, who get stuck in a vicious cycle. What is the problem they face? Affordable housing or probably shelters, where they can live. Why are these issues that we need to talk about? Statistics show that in America, probably, more than 500,000 people are homeless because of the dearth of affordable housing, lack of employment opportunities, low wages, and the alcohol and drug addiction are the most common causes of homelessness. One solution is to increase wages. There are a lot of shelters that can help homeless people, poor families, people with addictions, etc. to stay there for a while. States need to help those kinds of people. Some subsidies or benefits need to be paid. If the department of the state can not do this, how can we solve this problem? Some non-profit organizations gather donations from caring people that help them to build shelters or houses. If more and more caring people will talk about the problem to others or to the government, probably we can provide more houses and make life better for the homeless and people, who can not afford to live freely. Anastasiia is a student in the Advanced ESL class in the morning

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