This group paragraph was written by students in the Intermediate Low class in the evening. Form and Content of the Judicial Systems Almost everyone at least once in a lifetime needs help in a court. Belarus and the U.S. have alike a form of court, but they work absolutely different. Both countries have several local court levels such us: federal, regional and city. The same both of them have judge and twelve members of jury. Similarly, they have different courts for civil and criminal cases. The difference here is n making decisions. For example, in Belarus verdict determined by only the judge, on the contrary, in the U.S. the jury determines the verdict. In contrast, in the U.S. jury is chosen from a random sample of registered voters, but in Belarus each single person in the jury is from the government. So, the jury in Belarus has only formal character. Also, in the U.S. relatives can pay Bail for imprisonments to get for them a freedom before a court, but in Belarus Bail does not exist. Overall, despite the similar structure, inside all the rules of both courts are different. My opinion, the U.S. court works like democratic system, but Belarus court is too strongly controlled by the government. —Irina Irina is a student in the Advanced class in the morning.
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