My Life in California My life in California is good but I miss my country. I like California because it has a big diversity the cultures from other countries. It is a great opportunity for know a new culture. I never imagined and I can study and practice English. this is a good reason for I like this city. one thing I loved so much is the culture of being part of everything to your dogs; it’s something that Mexico should imitate. But I miss my city. For me it has been a challenge coming to California, First left my family friends and traditions. Second the language is a big reason comin, all is new: streets, the job, everything but my husband has been a great partner and always support me when I need. For now, I like live here but in the future my wish is return to Mexico. —S. Adriana is a student in the Beginning Low class in the evening. S. is a student in the Intermediate High class in the evening.
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