Health Screening Services Understanding Haemoglobin SEX OF PATIENT Male Female DESIRABLE RANGE 13 - 18 g/dl 11.5 - 16 g/dl Understanding Glucose DESIRABLE 2.5-8 mmol/L Glucose level Action BORDERLINE - LOW 11 - 13 g/dl 9.5 - 11.5 g/dl LOW Less than 11 g/dl Less than 9.5 g/dl BORDERLINE 8-11 mmol/L HIGH Over 11 mmol/L Follow lifestyle advice Discuss with your doctor Discuss with your doctor Understanding Diabetes (HbA1c) NORMAL RANGE BORDERLINE REFERRAL 4% and 5.6% 5.7% and 6.4% indicates increased risk of diabetes 6.5% or higher should be discussed with your doctor The goal for our patients with diabetes is a HbA1c less than 7%. The higher the HbA1c, the higher the risks of developing complications related to diabetes. “You can’t change you r genes. Togeth er, we can change you r lifestyle.” 7 Book online at
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