Health Screening Services Understanding Blood Pressure BLOOD PRESSURE READING Less or equal to 120/80mmHg Less than 130/85mmHg 131/86 -139/89mmHg 146/96 – 159/99mmHg 160/100 – 179/109mmHg Greater or equal to 180/110mmHg FOLLOW UP ADVICE Follow lifestyle advice. Follow lifestyle advice. Follow lifestyle advice. This is borderline high, discuss with your doctor. Follow lifestyle advice and discuss with your doctor as this is a high result. Follow lifestyle advice. This is a high result so you should speak to your doctor within 24hrs, if feeling unwell we will call an ambulance. You should consult a doctor urgently as this is a very high reading. “You r heart is as big as two hands clasped togeth er. Togeth er, we can take goo d care of it.” 3 Book online at
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