A P E G A : A s s oc i a t ion o f P r of e s s io n a l E n g in e e r s a n d Ge o sc i e n t i st s o f A l be r t a Background For this issue’s “What’s that acronym?” feature, we are looking at APEGA, the largest association of self-regulated professionals in Western Canada. With the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act as a foundation, they act on behalf of the Government of Alberta to regulate the practices of engineering and geoscience in Alberta. The act even stipulates that one must be a member of APEGA to engage in the practices of professional engineering or professional geoscience in Alberta. The association has been around since the 1920s, shortly after the Engineering Profession Act was passed in April of 1920. It has evolved with the times, adding Geosciences to the Act in the 1970s after geology and geophysics became their own professions in the 1960s. Today, the association licenses companies and individuals who want to practice engineering and/or geoscience, and who meet their standards for ethical, professional, and technical competency, with the ultimate mission to advocate for the public welfare of Albertans. Their vision: Building a safe and resilient Alberta. Operation & Organization APEGA is governed by an elected council and an executive team. It has multiple boards and committees to tackle different areas and issues within its scope, which consist of members, public members, and professionals from various sectors of engineering and geoscience. What’s that acronym? APEGA Responsibilities As listed on their website, APEGA: • licenses professional geoscientists • sets practice standards • develops codes of conduct and ethics that govern members and permit holders • investigates and disciplines members and permit holders • investigates and takes action against individuals and organizations that practice their professions without license or permits • investigates and takes action against individuals and organizations that use their protected titles without licenses or permits. • provides services to members and permit holders to support them in their professional practices. APEGA sets long term goals to uphold standards and has implemented a strategic plan, which outlines its core values and priorities. You can read it here. Website Learn more about APEGA at their website. engineers and
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