Matthew Magnus started with MBC Group in October of 2021 as a General Manager. Showing great initiative in business growth and customer relations, he was quickly moved into the Director of Commercial Services role, leading the sales team in the region. He is passionate about being an extension of MBC and liaising with everyone in the industries we serve to foster new and existing relationships. There are a lot of exciting changes ahead, and Matthew is looking forward to growing with people who are just as motivated to be part electronics, so he is very passionate about “You have to of something bigger. By inspiring growth in the existing team in Ontario, he is excited to disrupt the industry on an even bigger level. On the operations side, he brings new ideologies for operations to increase efficiencies and find more direct methodologies to achieve our business goals. Matthew has observed that MBC Group is full of people with an appetite for growth – who can think outside the box and bring more than just the status quo. “MBC Group has talent, and they recognize it,” he says, “they don’t keep their staff pigeon-holed into one role just because it is what they’ve been doing. In a normal corporate structure, it’s about being effective in the role you are hired to do. But socializing and integrating is a huge part of the MBC team – making connections and creating a network, both internally and externally.” Before his career as an Environmental Consultant, Matthew went to school for computer systems and For himself, he’s reached many points in his career where he could have just sat back and collected a paycheck. But he is driven and has always felt drawn to feeling like there is more to accomplish. “A turtle can’t go anywhere without sticking its neck out,” he says, “And I don’t know where I want to stop yet. You have to understand where your opportunities are, look for new ones, and get out of your comfort zone and take risks if you want to grow.” Just like in the world of technology, personal change and growth can happen a lot faster than people think. It gets more impactful and real the more we stick our necks out to achieve what we may have thought could never happen to us. Spotlight Series Matthew Magnus Director of Commercial Services Connect with Matthew on LinkedIn >>> understand where your opportunities are, look for new ones, and get out of your comfort zone by taking risks” technology. As a kid, he was a hardcore gamer and loved writing code on his own time at his own speed. By exploring something he doesn’t live in every day, there is no limit to what he can learn. The world is changing faster than most of us can keep up with, so he enjoys trying to be one or two more steps ahead and staying up to date with what is happening - at times getting lost in the rabbit hole. Matthew is a well-spring of great advice on personal growth as well as career development. Both in life and in business, he adopts the philosophy that you get out of life and your job what you put it. If you want more out of it, you have to put more in, and a lot of the time that means you have to put yourself in the line of fire.
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