PERSONAL SAFETY Although Liverpool is a relatively safe place to live and study, Merseyside Police have asked that students take extra care on getting home after a night out. To help you and your friends stay safe while enjoying a night out, we wanted to remind everyone – regardless of gender – of these key safety tips: Ÿ Withdraw cash during the day and protect your PIN. If withdrawing cash at night, use a machine in a well-lit area and stay with friends. Ÿ When walking home, go with friends and stick to main roads that are well populated. Avoid poorly lit areas. Ÿ Drink responsibly – you are far more vulnerable when you are drunk, especially if you are on your own. Know your limits and stay in control. Don't leave drinks unattended. Ÿ Travel sensibly – wearing headphones, talking on the phone or texting reduces your awareness of what's around you. Ÿ Plan your journey home before you leave. Pre-book a taxi or arrange a lift with a nondrinker. Ÿ Attract help if you need it – if you feel threatened, make lots of noise to identify yourself and to warn off the individual. Ÿ Let a friend know where you are and when you'll be expected back home. Consider setting up 'find my friend' on your phone. Ÿ Familiarise yourself with the SOS emergency feature on your phone, that can silently ring for emergency assistance. Ÿ Remember to use a licensed taxi or black cab and don’t hitch-hike. 27

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