PFK Scholarship Funds The PFK Scholarship Endowment Fund The PFK Scholarship Endowment Fund ended the FY’17 year with a balance of $757,796.94. This endowed fund is invested at Essex County Community Foundation (ECCF) where contributions and investments help it grow annually with an initial goal of raising $1,000,000 over ten years. The major contribution this year was made from the estate of Mr. R. Kingman Webster. The PFK Direct Scholarship Fund The PFK Direct Scholarship Fund raised money for the graduating Class of 2017 in many different ways: The LFDCS Scholars Fund included the hand-made picnic table raffle, Yankee Candle fundraiser, Movie Night, Central Catholic play night, High School Fair table registration fees and miscellaneous donations. The Frank Eccles Fund included student contributions on sports jersey days/jeans days and the PFK Scholars Fund included miscellaneous donations, holiday donations and the proceeds from our annual fundraiser. This year’s “Meet Our Scholars…Who Reach for the Stars” annual fundraiser was held under the tent at The Stevens Estate on a perfect May evening. The event, co-chaired by LFD, Inc. Directors and Co-Chairs of the PFK Scholarship Fundraising Committee, Rose Gallo and Joan Thompson, drew over 150+ guests and sought sponsors to help underwrite the cost of the evening and create broader awareness in the business community. Conlon Products, Shaheen Brothers, Jackson Lumber, Highland Street Foundation and many others helped make event sponsorship a huge success. Students from the Class of 2017 were on hand to greet guests and share their stories of academic success and perseverance. This preceded bidding on more than 50 silent and live auction items. Additional scholarships by individual donors also contributed significantly large gifts for our graduates. The LFDCS Graduating Class of 2017 earned over $1,730,000 in scholarships and financial aid to fouryear admissions-based high schools. Additionally, Lawrence Family Development Charter School works closely with the ABC (A Better Chance) organization which assists with the high school placements of talented students. This national organization is based on the ABC mission of “opening the door to educational opportunities for thousands of young people of color.” High schools from which LFDCS’ 2017 graduates received scholarships and/or are planning to attend in the fall are: Abbott Lawrence Academy, Berkshire Academy (ABC), Brewster Academy, Cambridge School of Weston (ABC), Central Catholic High School, Governor's Academy, Greater Lawrence Technical School, Haverhill High School, Lawrence High School, Methuen High School, Miss Hall’s School, Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School, Phillips Academy Andover, Presentation of Mary Academy, St. John's Preparatory School, Westport Community Schools (ABC), Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School, Wilbraham & Monson Academy, and Winchester Community School ABC. LFDEF, INC FY’2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 13

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