Property & Management Supports for Non‐Profits For over twenty years, Lawrence Family Development has provided property and management support services for the local non‐profit community. What began as an exclusive relationship with the Lawrence Family Development Charter School has grown to include additional members of the non‐profit and educational community in Lawrence. Lawrence Family Development currently owns 7 properties in the City and rents out space in 4 of them. In addition to providing the physical space, LFD provides partners with a menu of services to support their work in the City; including  Facilities Management  IT Support and Infrastructure  Business Office services (Accounting and HR Services)  Food Service During FY’18, Lawrence Family Development provided property & management support services to the Lawrence Public Schools, Casa Dominicana, the Community Group and the Lawrence Family Development Charter School. Lawrence Family Development ‘s property management team took on several additional projects during FY’18. In partnership with the Lawrence Housing Authority, LFD has re‐opened the gym at 580 Haverhill Street, which is reused for recreational programming for LFD programs and partners. LFD has also begun working on the renovation of the Orange Wheeler House at 355 Haverhill Street. With a goal of completing the renovations by the end of FY’19, the Orange Wheeler House will become the new home for LFD’s management team. Casa Dominicana students parcipang in English as a Second Language Level 1 The Community Groups Early Childhood Development Program enjoys me on the playground at 404 Haverhill Street 26% of people and 31% of families with children under 18 residing in Lawrence live below the Federal Poverty Level LFD, INC FY’2017‐2018 ANNUAL REPORT LFDCS students working in the computer lab at 400 Haverhill Street PAGE 11

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