LFDEF, Inc. Programs… The five major components of the Lawrence Family Development and Education Fund, Inc. are: YouthBuild‐Lawrence, AmeriCorps, SSYI/Lawrence Youth Team, Culinary Arts FY’2015 OUTCOMES: Alternave Youth Programs Alternave Youth Development Programs 180 Young Adult Lives Impacted 67 YouthBuild-Lawrence Participants 113 YouthTeam Members 11 GEDs/HiSET Certficates Cizenship and ESL Classes for adults FY’2015 OUTCOMES: Maria del Pilar Quintana Family Center K‐1 through Grade 8 public charter school FY’2015 OUTCOMES: Lawrence Family Development Charter School 673 students enrolled 81% students in Saturday Academy showed improvement 76% students scored proficient on the MCAS ELA compared to 64% state average 1,372 children on waitlist 68% students scored proficient on Math MCAS compared to 57% state average 81% graduating 8th graders accepted to admissions-based schools Endowment and Direct Scholarships for LFDCS graduates FY’2015 OUTCOMES: PFK Scholarship Funds $11,260 was raised for the PFK Endowment Scholarship Fund $45,486 was raised at the “Meet the Scholars...Who Reach for the Stars” fundraiser at the Stevens Es tate for the PFK Direct Scholarship Fund Lawrence Family Public Academy (K‐1 & K‐2) FY’2015 OUTCOMES: Turnaround Operator For Targeted Assistance 73 students in K-1 educated (18% Special Education, 33% ESL) 126 students K-2 educated (10% Special Education, 27% ESL) 70% K-1 students at or above benchmark on DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency and First Sound Fluency 80% K-2 students at or above benchmark on DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency and First Sound Fluency $2.2M in financial aid was awarded to the Class of 2015 (for four years) 71 students received scholarships (Classes of 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015) totaling $109,609 206 CNAP Program Graduates 24 Immigrants/Refugees completed Citizenshipship Application Process 165 Students completed ESL Classes 20 New Citizens 25 Unsubsidized Job Placements 6 Internship to Hire Opportunities 3 Participants Hired 87 Professional Certification LFDEF, INC FY’2014‐2015 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 4
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