Lawrence Family Development Charter School FY’15 was another outstanding year for the Lawrence Family Development Charter School (LFDCS). In its 20th year operating as a Commonwealth public charter school, this year stands out among our many successful years. Below are highlights from FY’2014‐2015: For the 3rd year in a row, LFDCS achieved Level 1 status on MCAS testing—only 19% of districts and 26% of public schools across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts earned Level 1 status in SY’2014‐2015. LFDCS obtained our 5th charter (2015‐2020) as a Commonwealth public charter school. LFDEF, Inc., as a Targeted Assistance Turnaround Operator, opened its first partnership school to disseminate and share best practices of LFDCS with Lawrence Public Schools. The project is for the management of an early childhood academy for Kindergarten‐1 (4 year olds) and Kindergarten‐2 (5 year olds) known as the Lawrence Family Public Academy. LFDCS Class of 2015 graduates collectively earned over $2,200,000 in scholarships and financial aid to four‐year, admissions‐based high schools. Fifty‐seven (57) LFDCS students graduated from eighth grade, and eight‐seven (87) students graduated from the K‐2 program. LFDCS was selected to participate in the Massachusetts Charter School Association’s Special Education Model Demonstration Schools to showcase statewide the practices used at LFDCS to support all learners. My favorite highlight each year at LFDCS is assessing the growth of our students. I love looking at data and seeing some of my struggling students when they make solid progress and then really succeed! It further confirms my love for the teaching profession. As a teacher, receiving constructive criticism is a very strong aspect of a beneficial observation. I also admire that my Head of School comes in and not only highlights things that go well in my classroom but also helps me by suggesting ways to strengthen my teaching. Getting additional resources, suggestions and encouragement from LFDCS teachers and administrators is a huge plus. Nicole is a Grade 3/4 Teacher and was honored in recognition of her SY’2013-2014 3rd grade students’ Spring 2014 MCAS results; 10 out of 12 third grade students who had perfect scores this test were in Nicole’s class. LFDEF, INC FY’2014‐2015 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 9
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