LACDD NEWS By Christine Wells, LA (LW) CDD Community Director Welcome back to all residents returning from summer vacation! It is great to see everyone eager to take part in entertainment shows, fitness classes, club meetings, movies, games, and more. Be on the lookout for the insert in this issue announcing the 2025 Entertainment Series. There are excellent shows and events planned for the remainder of this year and the beginning of next year! October is breast cancer awareness month. Please look for the events and activities in this edition of the LA Times meant to support and honor fighters, survivors, and caregivers. This is a time to be educated, encourage awareness about testing and early detection, and celebrate survivors! With the increase in returning residents, extra caution is needed on the roads. As always, because Lake Ashton has narrow roads shared by pedestrians, golf carts, vehicles, landscaping vehicles, delivery trucks, and bicycles, it is extremely important to observe the posted 20 MPH speed limit and always obey all stop signs when traveling by bike, golf cart or vehicle. Also, be sure to wear reflective clothing when walking or biking during hours when light is limited and always walk facing traffic. On September 23 Supervisors met to discuss board matters. Supervisors heard the status of current projects, options available to advertise the Restaurant being open to the public with signage at the main entrance and more. A wrap up report was sent via email on September 26. Three quotes were presented to Supervisors to install permanent roofline lighting at the Clubhouse and Guard House. This will replace the current system that was only installed during the holidays. Residents will begin to see a savings of $3500 per year around year 5 with this lighting system. These new lights will enhance the safety and security of the buildings and will serve the community throughout the year versus just one month during the holidays. Discussion regarding safety on the roads within Lake Ashton was also discussed with an emphasis on street parking. Residents can help by encouraging vendors to park close to the curb and avoid parking on curves and always park with the flow of traffic. Security will continue to inform vendors of proper parking practices and will also work with LWPD to have them enforce when needed. Residents should call Security (phone numbers are on page 3) to report any potential parking issues. Residents are encouraged to reach out to Supervisors for more information regarding the topics that are being discussed or topics that YOU want to have addressed. Transparency is very important to Supervisors and Staff. We want you to be involved and know all the details we know. Supervisors spend countless hours prepping for meetings and there is no way all the information that is known can be disseminated during the meeting. We invite you to call or stop by to learn more and ask any questions you have. I promise you an answer will be given. Supervisors and Staff are always open to share and show residents how your money is being spent and what we are doing to save money every step along the way. The first step starts with you asking a question. We look forward to seeing more residents involved in the community and attending meetings. The October LACDD Board of Supervisors meeting and Joint CDD meetings were canceled. The next meeting will be November 18 at 9 am in the Clubhouse Ballroom. LACDD BOARD OF SUP ERVISO RS CONTA CT INF O Brenda Van Sickle, Chair 863-324-6191 brenda.vansickle@lakeashtoncdd.com Michael Costello, Vice Chair 863-875-9228 or 732-718-7431 mcostello@lakeashtoncdd.com Debby Landgrebe, Assistant Secretary 863-268-8193 dlandgrebe@lakeashtoncdd.com Steve Realmuto, Assistant Secretary 863-949-0304, steve.lacdd@gmail.com Office Hours After Monday Coffee in the Clubhouse Ballroom 12

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