MIND&BODY SCAN THIS QR CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE T O SIGN UP FOR EVENTS LIS TED IN THIS ISSUE. RECURRING ROOM RESERVATION RENEWALS Forms will be sent electronically to facilitators on November 1 to renew recurring reservations for 2024. Forms need to be returned by November 17. After this date your reserved room cannot be guaranteed. As a reminder, annual Club events can be booked at any time, up to 3 years in advance. FINANCIAL BOOT CAMP Next Class: November 27 at 10:30 am in the Clubhouse Cinema Topic: “What if life happens? When should I review my plan?” Sign up online or at the Clubhouse Activities Office. BEGINNER BRIDGE CLASS Learn how to play bridge Thursday mornings at 8:30 am at the HFC beginning October 5. Details: leigh.elizabeth@gmail.com or 813-288-0809. MAH JONGG Mah Jongg players with one to two years or more experience are sought to join our group that meets on Wednesday afternoons at the HFC from 2 - 4 pm. This group is not on hiatus during the summer! For further information, contact Myrna Soberman at myrna.steve23@gmail.com. TICKETLEAP INFORMATIONAL SESSIONS Learn how to use the new online ticketing software, Ticketleap, on November 15 in the Clubhouse Ballroom and November 30 in the 34 Know Thy Health By Lynda Hadley It’s that time of the year when we get together and enjoy the holiday season with family and friends. With the good times and great parties, come delicious foods and drinks that make this time of the year special. We are so busy preparing, planning and attending events that we don’t seem to notice the extra inches that quietly accumulate around our mid-section. Most of us won’t notice this holiday expansion until the new year, when we once again vow to eat healthier and exercise more. I once subscribed to this mental reasoning that allowed guilt-free indulgence of the high sugars, carbs, and fats that tend to dominate holiday foods. It wasn’t until I found those extra pounds staying well into the new year, that I could no longer ignore the mental aerobics I was doing to justify overindulging. Keep reading for an alternative way of thinking to keep you off the “deal with it later” roller coaster where you can treat the extra pounds like unwanted houseguests. If you understand how the extra pounds accumulate, you have some control over them. Our best defense is portion control, because whatever our body doesn’t use (burn for fuel) within 2 hours will be converted to fat and stored. So, eating smaller portions of your favorite foods and saving some to enjoy later is a great way to minimize holiday weight gain. Be selective and remember that holiday drinks may contain just as many (if not more) calories than some foods. Slow down and allow your body time to signal that you are full. Holiday gatherings are made more special with tasty treats to enjoy; but overindulging can lead to years of health problems if we are not mindful. Clubhouse Craft Room. Sign up for these sessions by scanning the QR code above, online, or at the Clubhouse Activities Office.

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