LACDD NEWS By Christine Wells, LA (LW) CDD Community Director June 20 is the first day of Summer and the longest day of the year; take advantage of it! Don't let the sun and rain stop you from enjoying your amenities— there are plenty of things to do inside, and outdoor activities can be enjoyed safely as well. Come to the bowling alley, watch a move in the Cinema, get fit with neighbors in the Fitness Center, and/or enjoy a meal at Charm City with the best view in town! The first Summer Locals Concert Series at Lake Ashton has already began and staff is excited for what is yet to come. Don't miss out on these local bands performing just a golf cart ride away. Planning for 2025 is moving along and the Clubhouse and HFC will be full of fun things to do next year, with a few new things in store. The 2025 Entertainment Series is booked! Residents should mark their calendar for the following dates for the 2025 Entertainment Series: January 8, February 6, February 21, March 20, April 3. The LACDD Board of Supervisors met on May 6 and approved the preliminary budget. The budget hearing is set for Monday, July 15. At this time the board will approve the final budget, including setting the actual assessment. The preliminary budget can be found on lakeashtoncdd.com, under "Budgets". A wrap up report of actions was sent on May 9. Hurricane season officially begins on June 1, but never fear … supervisors, staff and the Lake Ashton Public Safety organizations are here to ensure residents are as safe as possible during this time of year. Residents should rest assured that the CDD Public Safety team, Neighborhood Watch, C.E.R.T, CAP and onsite security staff all work together to ensure resident's safety at all times, including times of weather emergencies. See page 16 for more information. Now is a great time to ensure you are signed up to receive email blasts from the Clubhouse and HFC, including public safety announcements, scheduled events, ticket sales and signup links, and important meeting dates and agendas. Visit lakeashtoncdd.com or lakeashton2cdd.com to sign up online, or stop by either Activities Desk for a form. LACDD BOARD OF SUP ERVISO RS CONTA CT INF O Lloyd Howison, Chairman 704-302-6555, lhowison@lakeashtoncdd.com Brenda Van Sickle, Vice Chair 863-324-6191 brenda.vansickle@lakeashtoncdd.com Michael Costello, Assistant Secretary 863-875-9228 or 732-718-7431 mcostello@lakeashtoncdd.com Debby Landgrebe, Assistant Secretary 863-268-8193 dlandgrebe@lakeashtoncdd.com Steve Realmuto, Assistant Secretary 863-949-0304, steve.lacdd@gmail.com Office Hours After Monday Coffee in the Clubhouse Ballroom UPCOMING QU A LIFYING PERI O D This year the LA (LW) Community Development district has two seats up for election, specifically Seat 1 and Seat 5. The qualifying period runs from noon on June 10 and closes at noon on June 14. Each seat carries a four-year term of office. Elections are nonpartisan and will be held at the same time as the general election on November 5, 2024. Candidates must qualify for the office of Supervisor with the Polk County Supervisor of Elections. For more information, please contact them at 863-534-5888. 8

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