SECURITY TRANSITION UPDATE Touch-ups are being made on the installed components at the Clubhouse. Components are being installed at the CR 653 gate (Winter Haven entrance). Staff at the HFC and Clubhouse are working behind the scenes to get things organized for distribution. Staff received training on May 29 and resident training is forthcoming. We ask that residents be patient as we take the time needed to ensure this system is installed and working properly before moving forward with issuing RFID tags and Amenity Access Cards. Email blasts will be sent out when distribution is scheduled, so it’s very important that you take the time now to ensure you are signed up to receive emails. If you are not, you can go to either website (lakeashtoncdd.com or lakeashton2cdd.com) and sign up by clicking on the link on the right side of the page. If you are a resident that does not have an email, copies of the email blasts that will be sent regarding this project will be available at either Activities Office and on the Information Wall in the Clubhouse Media Center. RESIDENTS TO RESIDENTS By Tom Scali The committee has developed an initial Mission Statement draft: Provide a comprehensive resource list of services available and communicate to all Lake Ashton residents. Sub-committees are looking at: Medicare/Medicaid options • Help Organizations • Transportation • Meals • What are other 55+ communities doing • Resident needs including education and personal daily contact if requested • Small home maintenance assistance • A resource list for larger projects. Input or suggestions from residents are welcomed, email tscali41@gmail.com. 6

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