LA NINERS By Sandy Hockenberry Congratulations to Karen Ferrande for a Hole-in-One during the Mixers game April 25. Karen hit from the green tees on 12 West and not only did she win Closest to the Pin, it went in and she got her first Hole-in-One. Well done, Karen! Carolyn Alvaro would like to thank everyone who purchased red, white and blue ribbons. It was nice to see the ribbons displayed on so many mailboxes and golf carts in our community during the month of May for Memorial Day and showing support for our veterans. Golf etiquette tip of the month: please play “ready golf”. Plan your club selection while waiting for others to hit. Take 2 or 3 clubs with you if you are unsure of what to hit. Last player in the cart should carry their club to the next shot or hole before replacing it in the bag. When putting, carts should be at the back of the green, ready to go to the next hole. Record your score enroute to/or at the next hole. Niners should complete a round of golf in 2 hours. This month’s games will include a Step-Aside Scramble on June 4, Throw Out One on June 11, followed by Lunch with Friends at Charm City. A 2 Putt (Max) on June 18 and the ever popular 5 Clubs on June 25. Don’t forget to sign up for the Blueman/Niners 18 hole Par 3 Scramble on July 2 with lunch to follow. LALGA By Beverly Hines The change of LALGA board officers began June 1 and will go through May 31, 2025. President - Margie Dersham, VP - Doris Krogman, Secretary - Sandra Lancaster, and Treasurer - Lynne Abbott. Thank you for your willingness to provide leadership for the league. A big “thank you” to Jackie Tressler for her excellent leadership as President last year. The committee signups are posted on the LALGA bulletin board. Please sign up to help make these tournaments and events successful. Remember to sign up for the LALGA sponsored two-day summer tournament July 8 and 9. As the summer months heat up, LALGA members have the option of playing nine holes June 4 - September 24. There will be no charge to play that day, but you will not be participating in the game although birdies/chip-ins can be recorded. Speaking of hot weather, just a reminder that drinking plain water isn't enough; you need sugar, salt and electrolytes to maximize your hydration according to an article in Golf Digest. You need to get them either through adding an electrolyte powder to your drink, or snacking on foods that contain the correct balance of carbohydrate and sodium. Dehydration results in a decrease in cognitive as well as physical performance, so it's worth stashing a few packets of electrolyte mix in your bag to have on hand during hot rounds. The yearlong Red Hoagland Challenge will conclude at the end of May. Current standings are 1st Place – Liz Leigh, 2nd Place – Bev Hines, 3rd Place – Char Walter, and 4th Place – Mary Lou Wheat. Pictured: “T” Utting and Monnie Guinn looking bright and coordinated as they partner up for Pick Your Partner Team Play.

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