LAKE ASHTON FRIENDS OF MEALS ON WHEELS By Marcia Santino On April 29 I had the privilege of accompanying Susan and John Stewart on a meal delivery ride along. We arrive at the Meals on Wheels Winter Haven facility at 9:30 a.m. Our route is # 11 of 21 heading from here (25 additional routes pick up at 4 remote drop points). The meals are loaded by route. We receive two coolers: a red cooler with hot, packaged meals and a blue cooler with cold desserts and beverages. We are provided with the route instructions including addresses in order of stop — only right turns and very efficient. Next to each address is the recipient’s name and type of meal to receive (regular or diabetic). Most routes consist of 8-12 stops but this day the Stewart’s are heading to Lake Alfred with 17 meals. Several deliveries are in close proximity of each other, easy to quickly distribute. One recipient is retired Army, one is retired Air Force and 4 others are bedridden. To my delight, Lenore Costello, the 107 year old Girl Scout featured in our March article, is also one of our stops. Each delivery includes a quick wellness check and chat. For some this will be their only interaction with another person all day. We return to Meals on Wheels with our empty coolers at 12:15 p.m. to drop off for cleaning and refilling the next day. In less than 3 hours we have made a difference for 17 homebound people in our community. It is truly a humbling experience. MOWPolk is a non-profit organization with no state or federal funding. It relies on community-based charity, volunteers and proceeds from its thrift store sales. For volunteering opportunities, please contact MOW at: 863-299-1616. To become a club member or for more information, please email lafomow@gmail.com. Residents may drop off quality donations* at either the south dressing room in the Clubhouse Ballroom or the HFC on the third Thursday of every month. Donations will be collected at the end of the day and delivered to Meals on Wheels for you. *Acceptable donations include anything of quality in resellable condition except large furniture items and mattresses. Their best selling categories include home décor, name brand clothing and accessories, kitchen items and shoes. All donations are greatly appreciated. 35 LARGEST SELECTION OF INDOOR & OUTDOOR FANS ANYWHERE! TRADITIONAL MODERN CONTEMPORAR ANS 39999 60 DC Mot WiFi Enabled Lighe Included Design Y an Parts & Services Aailable In-Store Warranes Winer Haen 1104A Cypr d SE (Lampligh a) wancityom (863) 299-2777

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