DUPLICATE BRIDGE By Don Fuller & Liz Leigh Duplicate bridge is played on Monday at 12:45pm in the Clubhouse Card Room. The game is open to all residents regardless of skill level. Participants should have some experience playing bridge plus a partner is required. We have approximately 60 players in the group and can assist new players in finding a partner. Advance registration is encouraged and can be done by using the Red Book in the card room or by contacting Don Fuller at dfuller627@yahoo.com to register or receive more information. April 15: North-South 1st Jim Ford & Don Fuller; 2nd Dick Dole & Lois Dole; 3rd Liz Smith & Keith Stevens; East-West 1st Pauline Pare & Nelda Sedlacek; 2nd Janice Fleming & Tom Fleming; 3rd Pat Foster & Ralph Ritter April 22: 1st Ralph Ritter & Pat Foster; 2nd Pauline Pare & Nelda Sedlacek; 3rd Marian Oshinsky & Cheryl Tillman; 4th Liz Smith & Keith Stevens; 5th Dick Dole & Lois Dole April 29: North-South 1st Marian Oshinsky & Trish Kellar; 2nd Jim Ford & Don Fuller; 3rd Howard Mayne & Jeff Wilkinson; East-West 1st Graham Littlehales & Sonny Robinson; 2nd Nelda Sedlacek & Pauline Pare; 3rd Dick Dole & Lois Dole May 6: 1st Marian Oshinsky & Trish Kellar; 2nd Don Fuller & Jim Ford; 3rd Liz Leigh & Mafie Walker; 4th Graham Littlehales & Howard Mayne; 5th Sonny Robinson & Keith Stevens LA ROCKERS By Annie Lutz LA Rockers is a wonderful group of residents spreading acts of kindness to our LA Community. By painting and hiding rocks here at Lake Ashton we hope to provide the right message at just the right time. Our last teaching class until the fall will be June 5 for experienced members. We will be learning how to decoupage. There has been a change to our meeting times. LA Rockers will meet in the HFC Community Center from 1 to 3 pm on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Also, beginning June 19 through the rest of the summer, we will only be meeting for free painting for experienced members. 32 During the summer, anyone brand new to painting rocks and wants to give us a try needs to contact MJ Richards (mjmrichards517@gmail.com) to make arrangements to attend their first class. If you are lucky enough to find a rock, please post a photo of your rock on Talk of Lake Ashton’s (TOLA) Facebook page. It means a lot for us to see where our rocks go. LA PURPLE STARS By David Harrison For many years Ann Boogher has been in charge of collecting money and ordering name tags that many residents wear. Part of the $15 goes to LA Purple Stars as a fundraiser. Ann has decided to retire and David Harrison, or the Clubhouse Activities Office, will continue to receive checks made payable to LA Purple Stars and order the tags. Thank you for continuing this worthwhile endeavor. LAVA AUXILIARY By Chris Graves The next meeting will be on June 19 at Charm City starting at 5:30 pm with a short meeting and then social time. This would be a nice time to come “check us out”. Thank you to all who volunteered to help at the LAVA Golf Tournament with the Traveling Canteen. The volunteers drove around the golf course in their golf carts that were decorated in Patriotic Bows and flags and offered for sale various drinks. It was fun for all. SAVE THE DATE: October 26 is our Annual Craft Fair. There are still some available tables to sell your handcrafted items. The applications are at the Activities Desk at the Main Clubhouse. God Bless America! LA SWIM CLUB By Sandy White DID YOU KNOW? Lake Ashton has a swim team. The members compete in senior competition that is divided by gender and 5-year incremental age groups. Most of the swim meets are within a 2-hour drive. If you are interested in doing organized practices at a local community pool between June 19 and August 12 while the indoor pool at the HFC is closed, contact coach Sandy at sandyw1994@aol.com.

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