CLUBS LA BELLES By Beth Wagner To begin celebrating summer, we are having our LA Belles luncheon at Charm City Lake Ashton June 26 at 11:30 am. Hostesses are Beth Wagner and Kate Martz. Sign up online or at the Clubhouse Activities office. Call Beth at 847-845-4685 with any questions. GENEALOGY CLUB By Jane Imparl At the May meeting, we shared ethnic cookbooks and some of us even brought in ethnic "goodies" for all to try. Yummy! The next meeting will be Wednesday, June 12 at 2 pm in the HFC Craft Room. Come and join us as we discover practical and creative ways to use maps, even fire maps, as a way to help you find your ancestors and understand their everyday lives. For more info, please call Jane at 815-545-6655. GARDEN CLUB By Lynn Davis No need for a green thumb to join LA Garden Club. Just have to a willingness to ask questions and learn. On April 10, the club held its third annual plant sale. The number of people who came surpassed the club’s expectations. The club thanks the wonderfully generous community for our huge success. The monies made will help the club expand and maintain areas within the community and provide guest speakers for anyone, member or not, to learn about gardening in Central Florida. This year many more residents donated items and plants for the cause. A special thanks to the Lake Ashton Garden Team: Pam Klawinski, Rhonda Lindon-Hammon, Kathie Eustice, Patty Wallner, Alice Hearn, and Sil Wells. Also, thanks to Deb Crosby, Sharon Carl, Marie Powell and many others for helping. The club also planted along Mulligan Lane on the curb area entering the Pro Shop/Eagle’s Nest. The club continues to monitor watering needs and plant sustainability. At the May meeting, guest speaker Gene, the Barefoot Gardener, gave a talk on plants best for Central Florida summer heat. As always, anyone new to Florida quickly 30 realizes the need to “rethink” what is grown here. The club will meet on June 12 in the Pavilion at 10 am. The topic will be non and beneficial insects in the garden. The club will not meet in July and August. LA DEMOCRATIC CLUB By Paul Ritz The Lake Ashton Democratic Club is holding their monthly meeting June 6 in-person only at HFC Community Center. Social time with snacks will be from 6 to 6:30 pm. Please bring your own beverage. The inperson General meeting will start at 6:30. Speaker will be Kay Klymko, Democratic candidate for Polk County Commission. For more information, please email lakeashtondemocraticclub@gmail.com. LA REPUBLICAN CLUB By Bud Colburn There is no Lake Ashton Republican Club (LARC) meeting in June, however, save the date for our Candidate Jamboree on July 13. Many candidates are announcing their desire to represent the citizens in the upcoming primary elections in August and general elections in November. Thirteen candidates have confirmed their participation at the jamboree. It will be a day of refreshments, friends, fun and great information from the candidates. SINGLES CLUB By Carol Corley Singles Club meets the first Sunday of every month at 2 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. At the May meeting, about 30 attendees discussed our restaurant of the month, Catfish Country. The group also gets together the 4th Thursday of every month at 4 p.m. at the Pavilion. We are looking into the Resident-to-Resident program here. We are always looking for ideas for activities, and several are in the planning stage. Our meetings, are followed by cards — Five Crown, but we would entertain other ideas. On non-meeting Sundays, we would also love for you to come for cards from 2 to 4 pm, same location. Afterwards, those interested go to dinner as a group. A different restaurant is chosen for every week.

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