L.A. LOOKS Central Native Plants of Florida By Lynn Davis Meet Central Florida’s Fall color display! The native muhly grass is an ornamental. It is native LA II (WH) HOA BOARD • Dave Bishop, President presidentla2hoa@outlook.com • James Akridge, Vice President/HOA Liaison vparcla2hoa@outlook.com • Claude Browne, Secretary secretaryla2@outlook.com • Bill Martin, Vice President & Assistant Treasurer vptreasurerla2hoa@outlook.com • Connie Strassberg, Treasurer treasurerla2hoa@outlook.com to most of Florida and Eastern states. It can grow to 3-4 feet in height and 2-3 feet in width. The grass grows in clumps and its flower stalks bring a beautiful pink or purple airy look to any landscape usually beginning in August and ending in December. The grass can be cut back in December, but if you wait until early spring, it’ll provide a wispy winter interest. This grass is low maintenance, however, it’s best to divide the grass every 2-3 years. The grass is often planted near fences or in borders for better show. Why plant muhly Grass in your yard? Besides its showy color, it is drought tolerant, takes heat, and is forgiving to poor soils. Though it likes sun, it tolerates shade too. There is another variety called “White Cloud” if pink isn’t for you. Take a ride around to our LA Pavilion for a closer look. For more information and plant care, visit Florida Native Plant Society. • Pierre Duquette, LAII ARC Chair A6lawharc2@gmail.com • ARC requests: arctracker.com/lakeashton2 LA (LW) HOA CORNER By Brenda Jackson Wondering how to best interact or contact your Homeowners’ Association? The HOA phone number is 863-325-0065. Follow the options below to reach the best possible person to answer your questions and concerns. LA (LW) HOA BOARD • Marti Schmidt, President & Treasurer • David Muller, VP, vp@lakeashtonhoa.org • Tim Doyle, secretary@lakeashtonhoa.org • Harold Jackson, secretary2@lakeashtonhoa.org • Mike Wilson, ARC Chair, arc@lakeashtonhoa.org David Greer, Compliance Chair 12

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