CLUBS BOLLA By Linda Warden BOLLA (Blankets of Love At Lake Ashton) continues to meet throughout the summer. If you have a couple of hours to give on Monday afternoon we would appreciate your help. We are working to get blankets ready for the schools when they open this fall. There are many families and children in crisis and in need in Polk County. No need to be able to sew. Just tie knots! We have everything needed for the project. Just bring yourself. We meet every Monday 1-3 pm in the Clubhouse Craft Room. BOOKMOBILE BOOK CLUB Join the Bookmobile Book Club that meets the second Wednesday each month from 10 to 11 am in the Clubhouse Craft Room. LA BELLES By Beth Wagner It’s Christmas in July! Come join our Christmas lunch with the LA Belles on July 31 at 11 am at Mike’s Grill (1037 N Broadway Ave Bartow). Sign up online or at the Clubhouse. Hosted by Kim: 614-565-4239 and Gail: 941-545-8446 and Donna GENEALOGY CLUB By Jane Imparl In June, we had a great time learning about how to use Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps to locate homes and businesses of our ancestors. Now, some of us are ready to research the history of the homes of our families. At the July meeting, we will learn how to use the wonderful online website featuring David Rumsey's map collection. In addition, we will be looking at places to find online newspapers to help us understand our ancestors' everyday lives. Come join the fun on Wednesday, July 10 in the Craft Room at the HFC. Hope to see you there. GARDEN CLUB By Lynn Davis The LA Garden Club held its monthly meeting on June 12. The club was fortunate to have a guest speaker from UF/IFAS speak on beneficial and non-beneficial insects.This information was helpful for non-club members too. The group was provided with alternatives to heavy chemical sprays, such as horticultural soap. There were many hand-outs and members had the opportunity to ask questions. The Garden Club will go on hiatus for the months of July and August. The next meeting will be on September 11 in the Pavilion. LA REPUBLICAN CLUB By Kristy McKibben Join us on Saturday, July 13, from 1 - 3 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom for the Firecracker Candidate Jamboree. You’ll hear from 23 Republican Candidates and have the opportunity to ask your questions about their positions. Arrive early for good seating. Picnic refreshments will be served. Contact Greg Ulrich with questions: 863.969.7595 or hog19862000@gmail.com. SINGLES CLUB By Carol Corley The LA Singles Club meets the first Sunday of every month at 2 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. At the June meeting, approximately 30 attended. The group discussed future events. Plans were made to go to lunch at The Ranch in Lake Wales in June. The Single Mingle is held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at the Pavilion from 4 to 6 pm. In July, that will be July 18. Bring your own drink and a snack to share. Volunteers are needed to set up for the Mingle. Contact Susan Castillo if you are able to help out. Please attend the meeting on July 7 at 2 pm to share ideas on future activities for the Singles Club. Also, join the group for Cards and games on Sundays from 2 – 4 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom.

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