L.A. LOOKS Central Native Plants of Florida By Lynn Davis The blue mistflower is a native perennial. It has purple/lavender flowers. The blooms last from summer through fall. Blue mistflower prefers full sun, but also blooms in part shade. Its great around marsh areas and helps combat erosion. This would be an excellent flower if you live around the many ponds in our community. The blue mistflower is an also a pollinator. It attracts bees and butterflies. It is especially important as a pollinator because of its later blooming season. This allows monarch butterflies to have food for its migration to Mexico. The plant grows quickly and reaches the height of 3 ft. It is a member of the Aster family. You can find this plant at Native Nurseries in Florida. LA (LW) HOA CORNER By Brenda Jackson We are happy to report we have a new HOA Board member. Please join us in welcoming Deanna (Dee) Mayne to the team. Have you ever wondered what the roles and responsibilities our Board has, well wonder no more. Below is a list outlining the many things our Board does for us. President/Treasurer: Point of contact with Attorney, Accountant, all other vendors. Stay up on all law changes around HOAs. Monthly Financials and Treasurer’s Report. Liaison - CC&R Review Committee. Develop and implement Compliance Guideline/Work Flow. Age Verification Compliance. Direct Report: IT/Website Administrator Officer Vice President: Social Director: President at meetings when President is absent. All resident related social events including but not limited to: Monday Morning Coffee, Welcome New Resident Events. Special Projects as assigned. Vice President 2: ARC Director. President at meetings when President and Vice President are absent. ARC Tracker software, ARC Review Guidelines, Attend ARC Meetings. Monthly metric Reporting to Board (or ARC Chair). Director and Chair continue to build committee/team. Direct Report: ARC Chair Officer. Secretary: Notice of Meeting & Meeting Minutes. Zoom. Elections Administration. Annual Meeting Administration. Nominating Committee. Secretary 2: Compliance Director: Initiates/ oversees CCRs, communications, changes/ updates CCR status, assigns tasks (all coordinated with IT/Website Administrator computer input and Chair). Tracking/monitoring status of Identified Issues in compliance software. Assign Chair and committee to handle preliminary investigations, meet with members concerning possible issues of violation, complaints, and concerns. Follow-up to ensure investigated issues to elevate to the Board when required. Monthly metric Reporting to Board (or Compliance Chair). Director and Chair continue to build committee/team. Direct Report: Compliance Chair Officer. Please stay informed by logging into our website at lakeashtonhoa.com. LA (LW) HOA BOARD • Marti Schmidt, President/Treasurer president@lakeashtonhoa.org • David Muller, VP & Social Director, vp@lakeashtonhoa.org • Harold Jackson VP2 & ARC Director, vp2@lakeashtonhoa.org • Tim Doyle, Secretary secretary@lakeashtonhoa.org • Dee Mayne, Secretary2 & Compliance Director, sec2@lakeashtonhoa.org • Mike Wilson, ARC Chair, arc@lakeashtonhoa.org

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