3. Third Offense - Automatic suspension by the Amenity Manager from specific amenities up to and including all Amenity Facilities privileges, commencing immediately for up to one (1) year. A written report will be created, a letter will be sent by certified mail to the Patron, Supervisors notified, and a copy of such letter kept on file in the Clubhouse and HFC Offices. iv Jurisdiction Reciprocal: The ability to suspend or terminate privileges as provided herein shall be held by the District, through its Boards, District Manager, and/or Amenity Manager, in whose boundaries the incident occurred. Violations that result in a suspension or termination in one District shall be brought up at the next Board of Supervisors meeting for the other District. Suspension or termination of privileges shall in no way prevent a member of the District Boards, the District Manager, District Staff or members of the public from attending a duly advertised public meeting of either District. v Appeals: Any Individual who has received a suspension for at least thirty (30) days may appeal at the next Board of Supervisor’s Meeting, to be held at least fourteen (14) days after the violation, for the District in which the violation occurred. For periods in excess of ninety (90) days the appeal will be presented at the next Joint Board of Supervisors Meeting. A complete record of all previous documented offenses will be provided. The Board’s or Boards’ decision, as applicable, on appeal shall be final. In the event of an appeal at a Joint Board of Supervisors Meeting, if both boards do not come to a consensus the suspension handed out by the Amenity Manager stands. The full amenity facilities policy can be found online at lakeashtoncdd.com or lakeashton2cdd.com. Contact LA (LW) CDD Community Director Christine Wells (cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com) or LAII (WH) CDD Community Director Karen Van Kirk, (jkvankirk@lakeashton2cdd.com) if you have any questions. WWW.BROCKSWINDOWCLEANING.COM 17

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