LACDD NEWS By Christine Wells, LA (LW) CDD Community Director Happy New Year! January is a great time for reflection and anticipation — reflection of the year that has passed and anticipation of the year to come. Plan to spend time at the amenities enjoying all that Florida’s peak season brings. Starting the week at Lake Ashton’s Monday Coffee informational meetings will provide a good overview of upcoming classes, shows, meetings, and parties. Mix it up in 2022 and try sitting at a new table at Monday Coffee! Hundreds of new residents moved to Lake Ashton in 2021, so reach out to new faces and welcome new neighbors. With the increase in population, staff has begun to see an increase in room bookings and activities being offered by residents, so there may be times when a room and or time that is desired may be unavailable. Luckily residents have two buildings in the community, so if a room or time is unavailable at the Clubhouse residents are encouraged to reach out to the HFC to check availability and vice versa. We are excited to see so many residents enjoying the amenities and want to ensure all residents have an equal opportunity to book a room for a new activity or join one of the over 140 groups that currently meet at the Clubhouse. With that being said there are some changes that are going to take place as of January 1. This includes the renaming of "private" groups to "prior registration required.” Residents interested in joining a new group should visit the Clubhouse Activities Desk to obtain the contact information for the facilitator of the group they are looking to join. As a reminder, the Joint Amenity Facilities Policy states: "Club membership and Club activities must be available to all Residents or Renters/Leaseholders.” In addition, anyone booking a reservation in the Clubhouse Game Room needs to be aware that as of January 1, that room will be available for multiple activities at the same time. For example, if someone has reserved the Game Room to play cards or conduct a meeting, the room will still be available for open play on the billiards tables. If this does not match your needs staff will try their hardest to find a room better suited for what you require. An extra day of Open Bowling was also added to the schedule to accommodate the increase in use of that amenity. We hope residents understand these changes are not meant to be intrusive but to allow for the amenities to be enjoyed by all who want to use them. Staff always encourages residents to become more involved in community activities designed to benefit the body, mind, and spirit and with these changes and the support of the many club, group, and organization facilitators this will be possible for everyone. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. LACDD BOA R D O F SUP E RVISO R S CONTA CT INF O Robert (Bob) Plummer, Chairman Security, Operations and Staff 260.820.0389, Michael Costello, Vice Chairman Clubhouse Facilities including Outdoor Amenities (Dog Park, Pool, Sports Courts) 863.875.9228 or 732.718.7431, Supervisors and staff would like to extend a special thank you to all the club, group, and organization facilitators. These are all volunteers that work very hard to ensure there is a robust activities schedule for all residents to enjoy. Lake Ashton is lucky to have a large number of residents willing to volunteer their time in one way or another for everyone to live their best retired life. Be sure to thank a volunteer when you see them. Lloyd Howison, Assistant Secretary Golf Cart Paths, Bridges and all Ponds 704.302.6555, Steve Realmuto, Assistant Secretary Budget, Finance, Reserve Study 863.949.0304, Office Hours: 2nd Monday, 10 am to noon in the Clubhouse Conference Room
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